In our daily lives we face all kinds of problems and we always look for support to solve them. Many times we do not see the difficulties that are coming our way, but through Jyotish it is possible to know about negative future events and take preventive actions through Yagyas. Yagyas have a preventive approach to problems and allow you to avoid any unwanted tendency before it arises. Vedic wisdom says: “Heyam duhkham anagatam” Avert the danger before it arises.
The special Yagyas cover the different aspects of human life such as health, finances, education, judicial issues, personal relationships, etc., so it is possible to perform a yagya especially to face the specific situation that afflicts us. If the influence that comes to us from the future is positive, then the Yagya will enhance the benefits that we will receive. If, on the other hand, the influence that comes to us from the future is unfavorable, then the Yagya will generate a positive life-sustaining influence to neutralize it.
Yagyas are performed by Maharishi-trained Vedic pandits with years of experience in Vedic recitations and procedures.
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